


Konstantin Weber

squares 2020

2 Fine Art prints, various formats; 4 self-programmed face-recognition applications on smartphones; 3 videos; 1 QR code with web application; 1 plastic bag with photo fragment; 2 sound files with AI-controlled image-to-text converters

Free Academy of Fine Arts Mannheim, Prof. Claus Stolz, Prof. Dr. Juliane Huber


In “squares,” Konstantin Weber challenges photography as a part of an expanding media complex in terms of the methods of autonomous image creating. With the help of AI-supported image generating software, as well as programs he has created himself or appropriated from existing programs, he gives us a taste of the creative possibilities of this new technology in all conceivable contexts. For example, starting with one pixel, the smallest navigable digital unit, a program autonomously enhances it to create an entire image. This image is startlingly close to images from the series “Stellar Landscapes,” in which German photographer Thomas Ruff (born 1958) modified NASA images. In light of the next generation of technical images we are thus in the midst of a renewed discourse about authorship and originals. Weber’s list of works reads like the ingredients of a magician’s apprentice who, using software for face and object recognition and other smart programs, is able to create highly surprising concoctions. The first menu, “squares,” is already served. Much more Information.